01 June 2011

Orangutan - Man's Cousin

Orangutans are endangered species and only life on two Indonesian islands, Sumatra and Borneo. Even so, Sumatran Orangutan is different from Borneo Orangutan. Studies stated that the orangutan has a close family with humans at the level of kingdom Animalia, where the orangutan has a DNA similarity rate of 96.4%. So orangutan is our cousin, right?? hahahha :D

Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii)

p. abelii

p. pygmaeus
Sumatran orangutans are the rarest species compared Borneo orangutans, only about 7000 left in their habitat in the north Sumatran island.

They are protected and preserved in five districts in the area of ​​Gunung Leuser National Park and the remainder living wild in the area unprotected.

They are smaller than the Borneo orangutans. Sumatran orangutans have about 4.6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds. Females are smaller, with 3 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds.

Their diets is mainly fruits and insects as well. The preferred fruit including fruit banyan and jackfruit. They also eat bird eggs and small vertebrates.

If you want more detailed information about the protection and conservation of Sumatran orangutan, please gladly visit the official website of Sumatran Orangutan Society at www.orangutans-sos.org

Borneo Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)

Unlike his little brother in Sumatra, Borneo Orangutan identified into 3 subspecies: P.p.pygmaeus, P.p.wurmbii, P.p.morio. Each subspecies differentiated according to geographical distribution area and include the size of the body.
  • Central Borneo Orangutan (P.p.wurmbii) inhabit the region of West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. They are the largest subspecies of Borneo.
  • Borneo Orangutan Northeast region (P..pmorio) inhabit areas of Sabah and East Kalimantan. They are the smallest subspecies.
For more information about Borneo orangutan please visit at oranutan.or.id
Borneo orangutan population of approximately 44,000 which was recorded in the wild in Borneo jungle. this is due to possible absence of natural predators experienced differently in the Sumatran cousin who has a natural predator of the Sumatran tiger. So it is not surprising that the population of Sumatran orangutans are only fewer in number approximately 7000 left in the wild.

Even so, both have the same threat of illegal logging. they face the threat of "distant relatives" "We - man. " communities around the protected forest to kill orangutans with orangutans reason destroying their fields. This is a ridiculous reason, not orangutans that damage their fields but they are destroying the forests where orangutans foraging.

It's time we protect our cousin -orangutans- from extinction.